Extreme weather events AMY weather file

Published: 27 December 2023| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/pcmnjy69gv.1
Milad Rostami,


Building performance simulation in extreme conditions is crucial for improving the resilience of buildings to withstand climate change-induced weather events. Using Actual Meteorological Year weather files instead of Typical Meteorological Year files allows for accurate estimation of building performance during such extreme conditions, enabling the assessment of vulnerabilities and areas that require improvement. The approach applies to both existing buildings needing climate change-resilient retrofits and new building designs that must be compatible with future climatic conditions. The intensification and frequency increase of these extreme weather events make developing adaptation and resilient-building measures imperative, involving understanding potential losses households may experience due to the intensification of extreme events. Addressing the knowledge gap caused by the absence of an AMY weather file dataset is essential for accurate BPS during past extreme climate change-induced weather events. This article introduces a comprehensive .epw format weather file dataset focusing on historical extreme weather events in Canada, encompassing a diverse array of past occurrences in various locations, allowing for better estimation of thermal performance.



Carleton University


Civil Engineering, Building, Building Simulation, Building Engineering
