Supplemental Data - topical steroids in mycosis fungoides
Supplemental Figure 1: Patient characteristics based on changes in mSWAT Left top. 73% (27/37) of patients had an improvement in mSWAT, while 27% (10/37) flared or did not respond to topical corticosteroid monotherapy. Left bottom: From the improved group, 45% had a complete response (mSWAT of 0), and 33% had a partial response (≥50% decrease in mSWAT) with prolonged topical corticosteroid use. Right top. Gender, MF stage, and age distribution in patients with reduced mSWAT. Right bottom. Gender, MF stage, and age distribution in patients with increased or unchanged mSWAT. Supplemental Figure 2: Changes in mSWAT based on Gender, Stage and Age. 37 patients were included in the Waterfall plot analysis and arranged in order from the greatest increase in mSWAT to the greatest decrease in mSWAT. Patients were stratified based on gender, stage and age.