Science Island dataset 2023
# Science Island goal analysis Quantitative evaluation of emotional goals Quantitative evaluation aims The study collected quantitative data about the application of the right design method during the quest level development of the Science Island project. The right design method includes a coloured rating scale, as described in chapter five Figure 5.7. The quantitative data collection part of the study has three aims. Firstly, to evaluate whether the use of a numeric scale is effective at representing emotional goals, secondly to find out the benefits of rating emotional goals collectively and thirdly to investigate the translation of the emotional goal rating from a number into a visualisation. Qualitative evaluation of emotional goals Qualitative evaluation aims The qualitative study had three aims. Firstly, to see whether collective intentionality formed through the goal rating process. Secondly, to find out how important the student developers thought emotional goals were in guiding their design outcomes. Thirdly, to see what level of focus the emotional goals received in relation to the other project goals and roles. To elicit responses relevant to these aims, the following questions were asked by the lecturer, after the students had completed their rating of the project goals. Questions for aim one: How difficult was it to agree on a score? Did you all agree straight away or was there a lot of discussion? Questions for aim two: How did the goals guide you with your development and design? Which ones and how? Questions for aim three: Did you consider the emotional, quality, and functional goals separately and which of these types of goals were most relevant during the project development? ## Sharing/access Information Towards Wonderful Design: Elements, Principles, Methods & Applications Author: Marshall, James George