Data set for A-SLEIPNNIR: moving interfaces in pure advection problems

Published: 13 April 2018| Version 3 | DOI: 10.17632/pf9ys4m4yb.3
Juan Luis Prieto, Jaime Carpio


Raw data to replicate the tabulated results included as supplementary material in the accompanying article. Benchmark problems: Zalesak, vortex-in-a-vox, star-shaped droplet and Smolarkiewicz flow. Inputs: spatial adaptation strategy (isotropic/anisotropic), minimum mesh size (1/32 ... 1/1024), maximum mesh size (1/2 ... 1/16), number of marker particles (Np=0,1e4,5e4,1e5), and level set reinitialization procedure (every 2 steps/off). Outputs: errors (L1,L2), area loss (percentage) and maximum area loss (percentage), number of elements, number of nodes, wall-clock time, wall-clock time spent in meshing (and percentage), maximum memory demand (in kB and MB). Comments: *Zalesak slotted cylinder: all results are after 100 full rotations. Time step size dt=1/100. *Vortex: refers to circular droplet in single vortex flow. Periodic version with Tp=8, and non-periodic version with final time t=8. Time step size dt=1/100. *StarShaped: refers to five-pointed, star-shaped droplet in single vortex flow. Periodic version with Tp=8, and non-periodic version with final time t=8. Time step size dt=1/100. *Smolarkiewicz: refers to Smolarkiewicz flow. Periodic version with Tp=2Pc, and non-periodic version with final time t=5Pc, with Pc=25/(16pi). Time step size dt=1/100Pc.



Computational Mechanics, Applied Mathematics
