High-resolution elevation models and orthophotos of Larsen B glaciers extracted from 1960s imagery

Published: 31 May 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/pfs54tfvym.1
Ryan North,


This dataset contains two DEMs and corresponding orthophotos of Larsen B tributary glaciers (Jorum, Crane, Mapple, Melville and Flask Glaciers), Antarctic Peninsula, representing surface elevations in December 1968. The DEMs were created with structure-from-motion photogrammetry using aerial imagery that is freely available from the Polar Geospatial Centre, UMN (https://www.pgc.umn.edu/data/aerial). These are raw DEMs and orthophotos projected to WGS84 Antarctic Polar Stereographic (EPSG::3031). Resampling, filtering of outliers, smoothing, interpolation or other data editing can be applied at one's discretion. The Crane Area DEM covers the Jorum, Crane, Mapple and Melville and is 3.2 m spatial resolution with a standard deviation of ± 15.2 m relative to stable terrain in REMA v2 2021 data (https://www.pgc.umn.edu/data/rema) or ± 24.6 m relative to ICESat-2 points. The Flask Area DEM (which covers to Flask Glacier) is 13.3 m spatial resolution with a standard deviation of ± 21.5 m relative to stable terrain in REMA v2 2021 data or ± 21.6 m relative to ICESat-2 points. For full details of dataset creation and details please refer to North and Barrows (submitted). To re-use this data, please cite the North and Barrows (submitted). Contact Ryan North for questions or problems with data and data availability.


Steps to reproduce

See details in related publication North and Barrows (submitted).


University of Wollongong, University of New South Wales


Structure from Motion, Antarctica, Digital Elevation Model, Photogrammetry, Glacier, Historical Analysis
