Unlocking Happiness: The Power of Spiritual Intelligence for Emerging Adults

Published: 2 April 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/pg7xyvs44f.1
Rosilin Sophia


The present empirical investigation has been conducted with the objective of assessing the level of spiritual intelligence and happiness among emerging adults. Furthermore, it was also expected that the variables would be positively correlated and that spiritual intelligence would predict happiness among the population. Hence, standardized measures on spiritual intelligence and subjective happiness were administered to 163 emerging adults from private (deemed-to-be) universities enrolled in different UG and PG courses in psychology. The statistical findings support the proposed hypothesis by revealing positive associations of spiritual intelligence with happiness as correlation values range from (r = 0.26 to r = 0.59; p < .01). It was hypothesized that transcendental awareness and the expansion of the conscious state would positively predict happiness. Multiple regression analyses were used in order to assess the predictive role of the dimensions of spiritual intelligence on subjective happiness. 7% of the variance is contributed by the TA (β = 0.19; F = 12.79; p = .05) towards the prediction of SH, and an additional 3% of the variance has been contributed by CSE (β = 0.18; F = 4.90; p = .05) towards the same. Both predictors contribute 10%; the remaining 90% of the variance could be explained by personal and environmental factors not observed under the present empirical investigation. Overall, the findings demonstrate that spiritual intelligence can play a crucial role in promoting happiness, particularly among emerging adults.


Steps to reproduce

The present study uses a correlational research design to examine the relationship between spiritual intelligence and subjective happiness. Spiritual intelligence is measured by the extent to which participants were aware of life's nonmaterial and transcendence aspects, leading to existential reflection and finding meaning and purpose. Happiness was measured by employing four questions asking the respondent to distinguish themselves using complete ratings and the ratings relative to their peers. For the study, using convenience sampling, 163 college students (72 male, 91 female) were selected from private (deemed-to-be) undergraduate and postgraduate universities. The age range of the participants was from 18 to 24 years. The inclusion criteria were (a) access to the internet, (b) enrolment in private universities, and (c) being a male or female student. The exclusion criteria were (a) not being able to speak/follow English, (b) being a professional student, and (c) being younger than 18 years of age. The Instruments used: Spiritual Intelligence Scale [SISRI; King and DeCicco (2009)]: The Spiritual Intelligence Self-Report Inventory (SISRI) is a questionnaire consisting of 24 items that evaluate a person's level of Spiritual Intelligence. Subjective Happiness Scale [SHS; Lyubomirsky and Lepper (1999)]: The Subjective Happiness Scale (SHC), also known as the General Happiness Scale, consists of four items. Two of these items ask the respondent to rate their own happiness and compare it to that of their peers. The other two items provide a detailed explanation of happiness and unhappiness and ask respondents to expand on each assumption by describing them. Using SPSS, Descriptive statistics were used to analyze the demographic details of the sample. Inferential statistics were used to understand the relationship between the variables, and the Pearson correlation coefficient was used, followed by stepwise multiple regression analysis.


Christ University


Spirituality, Positive Psychology
