Use of ontologies in IoT initiatives: A systematic mapping of the literature.

Published: 29 April 2019| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/pghwxhnrmd.1
Saymon Castro


This dataset contains the initial results of two query process executed in the ACM Digital Library, Engineering Village, IEEE Xplore, Science Direct, and Scopus digital libraries. The first query process cited in our work was executed in Oct. 2017, and the second in Nov 2018. This dataset also includes the file that contain the 103 selected papers used in our review.


Steps to reproduce

Query strings used in each digital library: IEEExplorer ((("iot" OR "internet of things" OR "wsn" OR "wireless sensor network" OR "sensor network" OR "web of things") AND ("ontology" OR "reference model" OR "information model" OR "conceptual model"))) ACM (("iot" "internet of things" "wsn" "wireless sensor network" "sensor network" "web of things") AND ("ontology" "reference model" "information model" "conceptual model")) Scopus TITLE-ABS-KEY ( ( ( {iot} OR {internet+of+things} OR {wsn} OR {wireless+sensor+network} OR {sensor+network} OR {web+of+things} ) AND ( {ontology} OR {reference+model} OR {information+model} OR {conceptual+model} ) ) ) Science direct TITLE-ABS-KEY ( ( ( {iot} OR {internet+of+things} OR {wsn} OR {wireless+sensor+network} OR {sensor+network} OR {web+of+things} ) AND ( {ontology} OR {reference+model} OR {information+model} OR {conceptual+model} ) ) ) Engineenring Village (("iot" OR "internet of things" OR "wsn" OR "wireless sensor network" OR "sensor network" OR "web of things") AND ("ontology" OR "reference model" OR "information model" OR "conceptual model"))


Systematic Review
