Ca/Al ratio in sediments from the Piedra Buena contourite terrace

Published: 10 May 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/pgnnztvk67.1
Dmitrii Borisov, Elena Ivanova


XRF analysis on bulk sediment samples from cores AI-3327, AI-3329 and AI-3443 was performed using Olympus Vanta C XRF-spectrometer with Ag anode and source power of 4 W. The analysis was carried out with 1 cm down-core interval using the following tube settings: 10 kV (131 mA, 40 kV (87.66 mA), real-time of 30 seconds for each beam. Every sample of bulk sediment (~ 3 cm3) was packed into the Chemplex double open-ended XRF sample cup covered with 6 µm thick mylar film. Element composition of sediments in archive halves of cores AI-3441 and AI-3442 was analyzed using a Geotek MSCL-XYZ core workstation equipped with the ultra-sensitive Geotek XRF spectrometer (Rh anode, 15W X-ray tube, helium-flushed measurement cell). The analysis was performed with 0.5 cm down-core resolution using the following settings: measurement area of 15 × 1 mm, 10 kV (70μA), 40 kV (95μA) with 125 μm thick Ag filter, 1 second live time for each beam. The XRF spectral data were processed using bAxil software (peak identification, element intensity calculation). The split cores were covered with 416 Prolene 4 μm thin film. The authors thanks Petr Perfilov for his help with sample preparation and measurements



Sedimentology, X-Ray Fluorescence Spectroscopy
