Microplastics in surface waters - Bulgarian Black Sea, 2017

Published: 22 April 2021| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/ph48xbtyxy.2


Microplastics data from article: Berov D., Klayn S. 2020. Microplastics and floating litter pollution in Bulgarian Black Sea coastal waters. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 156: 111225, doi: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2020.111225 The data were collected during the 2017 Greenpeace campaign against plastic pollution, on board the ship Rainbow Warrior. 10 transects with manta neuston net were carried out in along the Bulgarian Black Sea coast (Burgas to Varna). In the laboratory, microplastics were hand-sorted under a stereomicroscope, categorized, enumerated, and weighed by category. This collection contains: 1) the raw data files of microplastic counts and weights, transect metadata, and R notebook with code and description of all data cleaning, processing and analysis steps; 2) cleaned-up microplastic counts and weights by category, and transect metadata, included to facilitate data reuse. See README for full details and file description.


Steps to reproduce

See included R notebook with code, data cleaning and processing steps.


Institut po bioraznoobrazie i ekosistemni izsledvanija Balgarska Akademija na naukite


Oceanography, Plastics, Coastal Pollution, Black Sea, Litter, Marine Pollution
