PIF Dataset: A Comprehensive Dataset with Physiological and Inertial Features of the Human Body

Published: 19 December 2023| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/phb9y6cp5c.1


General Information This dataset is acquired using wearable sensors such as MPU6050 Sensor, AD8232 Sensor, AD8226 Sensor, GSR Sensor, GOQII smartwatch from 12 participants with different age groups, height and weight. Dataset File Structure The dataset is organised so that each subject has a folder. The folders are labelled according to participant identification number (pidX). Each subject folder contains the following files: ecgpidX.csv: contains the information about the participant electrocardiogram signals along with their PID number and Label while performing two different activities. emgpidX.csv: contains the information about the participant electromyography signals along with their PID number. The Raw signal as well as features extracted Root mean square (RMS) and Mean Absolute Value (MAV) and Label performing six different hand activities are given. gsrpidX.csv: contains the data related to the emotions of participants by showing different emotional movie clips. This file contains the GSR Raw Value, Resistance, GSR Value (Khom), SCL and Label. pidXacctr1.csv and pidXacctr2.csv: contains eighteen features such as Datetime, PID, body temperature, raw values of 3 axis accelerometer, raw values of 3 axis gyroscope, Angles of accelerometer, Angles of gyroscope, their combined angles and Label performing fifteen activities and Falls. Total Two trails are performed by participants. This dataset also contains a file Participants.xlsx in which the information related to participants age, height, weight, PID number, gender, medical history, country, humidity etc are given. Elderly people performed only Activities. Activities Performed During Data Collection EMG: Hand at Rest, Fist, Wrist Down, Wrist Up, Handshaking and Waving. ECG: Sitting and Deep Breath while Sleeping. GSR: Scary, Sad, Normal, Hold, Deep Breath and Happy. Activities and Falls: Standing, Left Fall while Standing, Right Fall while Standing, Forward Fall while Standing, Backward Fall while Standing, Sitting, Left Fall while Sitting, Right Fall while Sitting, Forward Fall while Sitting, Backward Fall while Sitting, Walking, Go Upstairs Slowly, Go Downstair Slowly, Sitting on Chair Slowly and Get Up from Chair Slowly. Related Article: PIF Dataset: A Comprehensive Dataset with Physiological and Inertial Features of the Human Body



Physiological Monitoring
