Ultrasound and clinical characteristics of photodynamic therapy-resistant patients with probable CM-AVM syndrome: a single center retrospective study.

Published: 4 June 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/pj4cfhmvx5.1
Ying Chen


Contents Supplementary Fig 1. Clinical photograghs of PDT-resistant patients..................................... 2 Supplementary Fig 2. Ultrasound findings of PMs in PDT-resistant patients using the Mindray Resona 7 device........................................................................................................................ 3 Supplementary Fig 3. High-frequency ultrasound findings of PMs in a PDT-resistant patient using the Paragon XHD device……………………………………………………………................................... 4 Supplementary Fig 4. The blood vessels in the hypodermis of PMs exhibited significant dilation using the Paragon XHD device………………….…………………………………………………………….. 5 Supplementary Fig 5. High-frequency ultrasound findings of PMs in a PDT-resistant patient using Paragon XHD and DUB Skin Scanner devices…………………............................................... 6 Supplementary Table I. PDT-resistant patient demographics................................................. 8 Supplementary Table II. The clinical features of PDT-resistant patients................................. 10 Supplementary Table III. Comparisons of ultrasound characteristics between lesion skin and normal skin in PDT-resistant patients (obtained by Paragon XHD)......................................... 11



Photodynamic Therapy, Ultrasound
