Data for: Trends and seasonality extracting from Home Blood Pressure Monitoring readings
The patient is the 67-year-old male with the long history of atherosclerosis. Nebival (5 mg) and Lozap (50 mg) have been daily drugs. The HBPM was done on semi-automatic tonometer Microlife BP 3AG1. The data sets were the systolic (SBP) and diastolic (DBP) blood pressures as well as the heart rate (HR). The guaranteed accuracy of the tonometer is +-3 mmHg for the blood pressure and +-5% for the heart rate. The heart rate was measured in “beats per minute” (bpm). The monitoring was organized according to the protocol. The patient was properly positioned, the cuffs were on the naked arm, and the measurements were conducted after the bathroom. Three trials with interval about one minute were performed each time. The mean of them was taken as the result. The used device allows checking the pulse irregularities automatically. A few such cases had happened and trials were repeated. The two-day break was set between two serial trials. HBPM performed during over a year (more exact during 384 days). So, each of three data sets consisted of N=128 samples.