A simple model of flood peak attenuation: validation dataset and example
Published: 3 January 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/pjkmzh8tf8.1
, Description
Supplementary data for the paper “A simple model of flood peak attenuation” published to Water Resources Research. This dataset demonstrates sensitivity analyses and validation. It contains useful information and a simple spreadsheet with an example for practical application such as first assessments of natural and dam-break floods, engineering design and analyses of large river networks using remote sensing technology. Please read the paper and the associated supporting information before using the data. Contact authors if you have any further questions: Stefany Lima (stefglima@gmail.com); Rodrigo Paiva (rodrigo.paiva@ufrgs.br).
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
Analytical Method, Flood, Dam, Attenuation Coefficient, Flood Wave