This dataset originates from a research study that evaluates the reuse of wastewater from a municipal treatment plant combined with varying percentages of process water in textile dyeing processes. The investigation focuses on the effects of this combination on cotton and polyester fabrics under different dyeing scenarios, including blind dyeing (dyeing without dyestuff) and conventional dyeing with blue and trichromatic dyes. Results offer details on the percentage composition of municipal wastewater and process water used in the dye baths.
Steps to reproduce
Blind dyeing: Take wastewater from the plant and mix it at different % (0; 15; 25; 50; 75; 100). Use bath ratio 1:20 owf for cotton and 1:10 for polyester. Fabrics should be previously desized. Cotton is dyed bath ratio 1:20 owf, with wetting agent (1g/L), dispersant (1,5g/L); leveling agent (1%) and sodium carbonate (2,5g/L). Start from room temperature to 90º C for 60 minutes. Add NaCl (15g/L) and keep the temperature for 50 minutes. Fix the colour with the fixing agent (2%) at pH 5. Then flat dry. Polyester is dyed bath ratio 1:10 owf, with leveling agent (1g/L) dispersant (1g/L); and glacial acetic acid (1,5g/L). Then flat dry. Two samples were prepared Dyeing: For cotton use the same conditions as blind dyeing but add 0.5 % Blue 4BL; or 0.86 % Blue 4BL 1.11 % Yellow TL; and 0.86 % Red 6B from Colorcenter. For polyester use the same conditions as blind dyeing but add 0.5 % Dianix cc Blue; or 0.86% Dianix cc Blue; 1.11% Dianix Yellow Plus; and 0.86 % Dianix Ruby cc from Dystar. FTIR Measure FTIR with an ATR accessory, recording 16 spectra for each sample with 4 cm-1resolution. FTIR was measured in both samples prepared, the average value for the different composition of water was shown as the average spectra from the blind dyeing Colour coordinates Measure colour coordinates with observer CIE-Lab 10⁰, the standard illuminant D65, and the specular component included. Ensure the measurement is four layer-folded fabric. Every sample (two for each composition) was measured on 5 different regions and the average for each sample and the average between samples was calculated.
HORIZON EUROPE Framework Programme
GA 101058426