Laminin-111 and Netrin-1: Supplementary Dataset
Raw LAMA1 Pixel Intensity.xlsx - Raw mean pixel intensity as identified through ImageJ. 20x magnification images were used and a ROI was drawn around each muscle individually. Separation of positive signal from background was identified through thresholding each image from 80-190 on an 8-bit scale with the 'intermodes' program. Raw NT1 Pixel Intensity.xlsx - Raw mean pixel intensity as identified through ImageJ. 20x magnification images were used and a ROI was drawn around each muscle individually. Separation of positive signal from background was identified through thresholding each image from 90-255 on an 8-bit scale with the 'intermodes' program. Raw Pixel for NMJ.xlsx - Raw mean pixel intensity as identified through ImageJ. 20x magnification images were used and a ROI was drawn around each muscle individually. Separation of positive signal from background was identified through thresholding each image from 80-255 on an 8-bit scale with the 'intermodes' program. Raw Blinded Puncta Count.xlsx - Raw data of blinded puncta counts from LAMA1 smiFISH experiments. Spreadsheet includes individual counts from the two blinded observers of all images including controls. 40x images were used. Original z-stacks were deconvolved and converted to maximum 2D projections for counting. Interage OD - Python script for converting raw LAMA1 data to optical density measurements, specifically for grouping by laryngeal muscle for comparison between developmental ages. Intermuscle OD - Python script for converting raw LAMA1 data to optical density measurements. Specifically for grouping by developmental age for comparison between laryngeal muscles. NMJ OD - Python script for converting raw NMJ data to optical density measurements. smiFISH - Python script for statistical analysis of raw smiFISH data.