Supplementary Material to: High-Resolution Modelling of Uplift Landscapes can inform Micro-Siting of Wind Turbines for Soaring Raptors
The supplementary information includes the R scripts to run the validation study described in the main text, as well as the data files required to perfomr the validation. Validation script SI v2.R includes the code to run the validation models, kxv_glmer.R includes the code to perform a cross-validation evaluation of the models and is called for in the former (main) script. The Excel files are loaded within the script, and include respectively the GPS data of white-tailed eagles (GPS_RESULTSx.xls) and five sets of random points per GPS location (RANDOM_RESULTS_1-5.xls). HitraParametre.xlx presents the variables used in the updraft modelling (Table 1 of the main text). NyeTurbinerVerdier.xls is used in the validation R script to assess the location of wind turbines relative to updraft velocities. Both txt files (TERMISK, OROGRAFISK) give the actual updraft velocities across the island of Hitra and are used in the R script to prepare a histogram.