Supplementary material to "Implications and challenges for health in contexts of socio-environmental conflicts due to climate injustice in Mexico"

Published: 7 October 2024| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/pkgjwfgr3d.2
Juan Alberto Gran


The database contains supplementary material derived from a research project aimed at analyzing health implications associated with 31 socio-environmental conflicts related to fossil fuels and climate justice in Mexico, reported between 2011 and 2023. The data collection was carried out based on cases documented in the Ejol Atlas, from which a database was constructed with both quantitative and qualitative information. Regarding the quantitative data, descriptive parameters are presented, including the type of conflict, the affected population, the intensity of the conflict, and the environmental, socio-economic, and health impacts (including morbidity and mortality). As for the qualitative data, a documentary analysis of the 31 cases was conducted through an inductive coding process. The information is presented in Spanish.



Universidad de Guadalajara


Health, Climate Change, Conflict
