Rapid Fluctuations of the Subsurface Chlorophyll Maximum in Response to Wind Forcing in a Long, Narrow Bay - Supplementary Information

Published: 12 September 2022| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/pm4r2pyyh3.2


The file “ctd_remedios_tlp.mat” includes data recorded by the CTD during the REMEDIOS-TLP cruise. Specifically it includes the following variables: - ‘latitude’ and ‘longitude’: in degrees (1x366 rowsxcols each variable). - ‘chla’: chlorophyll a in μg L-1. Columns are the different profiles, whereas rows are the chlorophyll values averaged every 1 m (142x366). - ‘date’: YY:MM:DD:hh:mm:ss of each CTD profile (366x6). - ‘sample’: text variable that associates each profile to its kind of sampling. ‘I01’, ’I02’ and ‘I03’ are the intensive samplings, whereas surveys samplings are named as ‘S01’, ’S02’, ‘S03’ and ‘S04’. - ‘pres’: pressure (dbar) from surface (0 m) to maximum bottom pressure (142 m). - ‘sigma’: density-1000 in kg-3. Columns are the different profiles, whereas rows are the density values averaged every 1 m (142x366). - ‘st’: code of stations sampled during the cruise (1x366). CTD data recorded with a MSS90 microstructure profiler during the intensive samplings are included in the file “profiler_remedios.mat” and contains the following variables: - ‘date’: YY:MM:DD:hh:mm:ss of each CTD profile (1658x6). - ‘dens’: density-1000 in kg-3. Columns correspond to the different profiles, whereas rows are the density values averaged every 1 m (45x1658). - ‘fluo’: fluorescence profiles. Columns correspond to the different profiles, whereas rows are the fluorescence values averaged every 1 m (45x1658). - ‘T’: temperature in oC. Columns correspond to the different profiles, whereas rows are the temperature values averaged every 1 m (45x1658). Nitrate data measured during the intensive samplings are included in the file ‘nitrate.mat’ and it includes the following variables: - ‘cruise’: code of the intensive sampling. 1 corresponds to intensive I01, 2 to I02 and 3 to I03 (134x1). - ‘date’: YY:MM:DD:hh:mm:ss of each CTD profile (134x6). - ‘pres’: pressure (dbar) in m (134x1). - ‘NO3’: nitrate values in μM. Values are displayed in an unique column and are associated to the variables ‘date’ and ‘pres’ (134x1).



Universidade de Vigo


Phytoplankton, Upwelling
