Kern River Fields Geology, Infrastructure, and Trace Gases
Google Earth archive of Mako thermal infrared hyperspectral airborne imaging spectroscopy detections for carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), and ammonia (NH3) plume, key field infrastructure, oil field outlines, geology including faults and reservoir formation depth, and earthquakes 1952-2020.
Steps to reproduce
See Leifer and Melton (2021) and (Leifer et al., 2022). Leifer, I., and Melton, C.: Using mobile surface in situ and remote sensing and airborne remote sensing to derive emissions from a producing Central California oil field in complex terrain, Atmospheric Pollution Research, 12, 101145, 10.1016/j.apr.2021.101145, 2021. Leifer, I., Melton, C., Tratt, D. M., and Buckland, K. N.: Airborne trace gas remote sensing and surface mobile in situ: A novel tool for the study of structural geological controls from a producing oil field, SPE Production & Operations, SPE 209799, 2022.