Single-end transcriptome outputs from the forward unpaired reads of Savalia savaglia's RNAseq

Published: 11 June 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/pmxwfjyyvy.1


This dataset contains original single-end transcriptome outputs from the forward broken paired-end RNAseq of the false coral Savalia savaglia (NCBI/BioProject accession: PRJNA1111802). The dataset includes the following files: • Assembly_Ss_SE_Trinity.fastq.U.qtrim: Remaining unpaired reads from the forward broken paired-end RNAseq of Savalia savaglia. • Assembly_Ss_SE.Trinity.fasta: Single-end transcriptome obtained with the Trinity Assembler from the forward broken paired-end RNAseq of Savalia savaglia. • Assembly_Ss_SE_Trinity.fasta_stats.txt: Statistics summary of the single-end transcriptome of Savalia savaglia. • Assembly_Ss_SE_Trinity.fasta.gene_trans_map: Transcript-to-gene mapping file generated during the assembly process. • quant.sf: Salmon output containing expression values for the assembled transcripts. Additionally, the dataset includes the following files from DIAMOND BLASTx analyses: • UniRef90_SE.diamond.blastx.outfmt6: BLASTx output file against the UniRef90 database, reporting the top alignment for each query. • UniRef90_SE.diamond.blastx.outfmt6.grouped: BLASTx hits grouped to improve sequence coverage by combining multiple high-scoring segment pairs (HSPs). • UniRef90_SE.diamond.blastx.outfmt6.hist: Histogram summarizing the distribution of BLASTx hit lengths. • UniRef90_SE.diamond.blastx.outfmt6.w_pct_hit_length: File providing percentages of hit lengths, including top hit's length and percent of the length covered in the alignment.


Steps to reproduce

The single-end transcriptome of the false coral Savalia savaglia (Assembly_Ss_SE.Trinity.fasta) was assembled with the remaining unpaired reads from the forward broken paired-end RNAseq of Savalia savaglia (Assembly_Ss_SE_Trinity.fastq.U.qtrim), with Trinity v2.15.1 using a single kmer in forward mode. The associated outputs files were generated as part of the Trinity pipeline (


Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn




This work was supported by Centro Ricerche ed Infrastrutture Marine Avanzate in Calabria (CRIMAC) - Fondo FSC 2014-2020 - Piano Stralcio «Ricerca e Innovazione 2015-2017» – Programma Nazionale Infrastrutture di Ricerca (PNIR), CUP C64I20000320001.
