Interactive PowerPoint presentation file (with command buttons). It shows a preliminary work carried out in the framework of the Whycrust project, funded by the Italian National Antarctic Research Program. That project includes some comparisons between BSCs from Arctic and Antarctica. Specific aim of the study was to set up a protocol for 3D quantitative characterization of the internal structure of BSCs of polar environment by means of X-ray MicroCT scans of undisturbed crust samples and 3D image analysis procedures. In this interactive presentation the first results regarding four crust samples of the Tarfala valley arctic area are shown. The four samples were formerly selected for their diversity in term of fungal most abundant species in order to test the hypothesis of correlation between crust structure and fungal composition (it is worth to anticipate that such a correlation was not found…) Navigation buttons to access the sections with more detailed information are located on the vertical stripe you will see on the right. Such information includes some tables, pictures and videos regarding data and visualization of solid phase (in grey), porosity (in red) and pore size distribution (represented in color scale). In the upper left corner you find the buttons to navigate inside the sections of the presentation.
Steps to reproduce
Open the .ppsx file with Microsoft Office PowerPoint and use the command buttons to navigate the presentation