R script for “Individual-Specific Point and Interval Conditional Estimates of Latent Class Logit Parameters”

Published: 28 May 2019| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/pnn4byb564.1
Mauricio Sarrias


These files allow to replicate: “Individual-Specific Point and Interval Conditional Estimates of Latent Class Logit Parameters” The Monte Carlo experiment and the analysis were carried out in R. The Main R files are the following: - MonteCarloLC.R : This file runs the Monte Carlo experiment with 2 classes and generates “LC_experimentAll.RData”. - MonteCarloLC3C.R. : This file runs the Monte Carlo experiment with 3 classes and generates “LC_experimentAllMiss.RData”. - Daziano&Sarrias_2017_JOCM.R: This file performs the analysis of the results. The ‘helper’ functions are the following: - boot.lc.R: This is a function that performs the K&R procedure and called into the Monte Carlo procedure. - helpers.R: A serie of functions to create the tables with the summary statistics. For any comment please send an email to msarrias86@gmail.com



Monte Carlo Simulation, Multinomial Logit, Latent Class Model
