Dataset from transcriptome profiling of Musa resistant and susceptible cultivars in response to Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. cubense race1 and TR4 challenges using Illumina NovaSeq

Published: 17 October 2023| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/pnnhtxpd23.1


Supplementary data 1a: RNAseq reads statistics of Foc Race1 challenged Musa resistant and susceptible cultivars. Supplementary data 1b: RNAseq reads statistics of Foc TR4 challenged Musa resistant and susceptible cultivars. Supplementary data 2a: Read mapping distribution statistics with reference genome. Supplementary data 2b: Read mapping distribution statistics with reference genome. Supplementary data 3a: DEG results of Foc Race1 Resistant cultivars Corm sample of Musa spp. Supplementary data 3b: DEG results of Foc Race1 Susceptible cultivars Corm sample of Musa spp. Supplementary data 3c: DEG resuts of Foc Race1 Resistant cultivars Root sample of Musa spp. Supplementary data 3d: DEG results of Foc Race1 Susceptible cultivars Root sample of Musa spp. Supplementary data 3e: DEG results of Foc TR4 Resistant cultivars Corm sample of Musa spp. Supplementary data 3f: DEG results of Foc TR4 Susceptible cultivars Corm sample of Musa spp. Supplementary data 3g: DEG results of Foc TR4 Resistant cultivars Root sample of Musa spp. Supplementary data 3h: DEG results of Foc TR4 Susceptible cultivars Root sample of Musa spp.



National Research Centre for Banana


RNA Sequencing, Transcriptome, Gene Expression Profiling


Indian Council of Agricultural Research

