Data for cross national comparative analysis of youth access to ICT resources and subjective well-being in the Middle East: A spatial bivariate copula regression modelling

Published: 25 January 2020| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/pntxmgf8td.1
Ibrahim Niankara


Pooled cross-sectional panel data of the 2015-2018 PISA student questionnaire data files, along country level aggregated data on youth responses and polynomial shape files for geographical mapping, and spatial econometric modelling. It covers 409747 youth respondents distributed across 46 countries, and is useful for inter-temporal, intra-and-inter country comparative analysis of youth outcomes in the Sustainable Development Era.



Al Ain University of Science and Technology


Sustainable Development, Development Studies, Adolescent, Information and Communication Technologies, Youth, Governmental Policy to Promote Regional Sustainable Development Initiative, Social Wellbeing, Adolescent Development, Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development, International Students Issue, Decade of Education for Sustainable Development, Welfare in Economic System, Welfare Economic Analysis of Regional Economy, Applied Economics
