Image-processing software for detecting the edge of micro-pier structure driven by the contractions of cardiomyocyte bridge

Published: 11 May 2019| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/pp5kx8bh7b.1


This program (, OpenCV, written by Python) provides the X-position of the pier from the original movie (230.m4v) and a movie with detected lines indicating the pier edges (230_20190207191754_wall.mp4). For the analysis of pier displacement, we used the feature of pier in the movie data, where the area of pier in a movie image is brighter than the other area. First, the template of brightness corresponding to the pier and non-pier areas was prepared, and then, the template matching was performed in each frame of the movie (230_20190207191754.all.txt, 230_20190207191754.wall.txt). The detected X-position of the template was determined as the X-position of the pier in the frame.



