Data for: Impedance Spectroscopy Characterisation of Neutron Irradiated Bi2Te3-Based Thermoelectric Modules for Radioisotope Space Power Systems

Published: 25 March 2019| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/ppfhxzf3fw.1
Ramy Mesalam, Daniel Kramer, Richard Ambrosi, Chadwick Barklay, Dave Weston, Jorge García-Canadas, Keith Stephenson, Hugo Williams


The Data Repository Includes; -Raw Gamma Spectroscopy data which can be found in the included document named GRSC.pdf -Raw Impedance Spectroscopy data for pre-irradiation, post-irradiation and post-irradiation-annealed tests can be found in the MAT-file named Z_rawData. -Model fitted Impedance Spectroscopy data for all thermometric modules tested (Modules 1-5) can be found in separate MAT-files named ZBest_.



Spectroscopy, Electrical Impedance, Gamma Spectroscopy
