FDM Environmental sensor data

Published: 6 December 2021| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/pprxj2yfby.1
Erik Westphal,


This is a real manufacturing dataset that contains environmental sensor values of the additive manufacturing process of a fused deposition modeling (FDM) system. The sensor values in this dataset were used to monitor, analyze and document the quality of the 3D printing process and the 3D printed parts. The generated dataset consists of individual data files with the recorded environmental sensor values for several FDM print jobs. The dataset consists of two folders and two CSV files: The Environmental_sensor_dataset folder contains sensor values of different 3D printing conditions of the FDM process. The folder is divided into subgroups, each containing 40 sequenced environmental sensor data files from one print job with exactly 500 consecutive pairs of values and a title line for the column names. The Environmental_sensor_dataset.csv file is a combined and unbalanced version of all 3D printing conditions and environmental sensor data sequences of the environmental_sensor_dataset folder for machine learning (ML) analyzes with different algorithms. The Environmental_sensor_ablation folder contains also sensor values of different 3D printing conditions of the FDM process. However, this folder contains far fewer sensor values than the Environmental_sensor_dataset folder. The folder is also divided into subgroups, each of which contains 24 sequenced environmental sensor data files from one print job with exactly 500 consecutive pairs of values, but only for one print job of the respective 3D printing condition. The Environmental_sensor_ablation.csv file is a combined and balanced version of all 3D printing conditions and environmental sensor data sequences in the environmental_sensor_ablation folder for an ablation study that aims to investigate the influence of certain analysis conditions (in this case the size of the data set and the distribution of the data) on changes in the performance of the ML algorithms. A more detailed description of the dataset can be found in the associated article: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.addma.2021.102535


Steps to reproduce

The steps to reproduce the data are described in the associated article: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.addma.2021.102535


Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning Algorithm, Three Dimensional Printing, Quality Assurance, Fused Deposition Modeling
