Data and code for study: "A review of types of risks in agriculture: what we know and what we need to know"

Published: 20 November 2019| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/ppy2x4yy7k.1
Adam M. Komarek


Author to who correspondence may be addressed: Adam M. Komarek ( Most recent edit: September 13th, 2019 Details: the zip file '' has four main folders for the code and data required to replicate the results in the study titled: "A review of types of risks in agriculture: what we know and what we need to know". Study authors are Adam M. Komarek, Alessandro De Pinto, and Vincent H. Smith 1) a folder 'data' that contains the raw data and processed data from our literature search this includes a file "databaseAll_20190904.xlsx" located in data/dataProc that contains all the studies in our review, including details on, among others, title, abstract, keywords, authors, journal name, if a study was eligible to retain, type of risk(s) studies, country/region, and notes, and details on the country classification and eligibility criteria used. 2) a folder 'output' that contains the figures and (data as .csv for) tables reported in the study. TableS1_ctyRiskDecWide_df.csv lists the number of studies per country by type of risk and time period. 3) a folder 'scripts' contains the R scripts. These scripts are ordered sequentially. 'riskRev.Rproj' is the R project located in the trunk directory. It must be opened to set the project directory, which is needed to read in the data 4) a folder 'WoSSearch' contains details of the Web of Science search.



Agricultural Economics, Agricultural System, Risk
