SHADE 2021: Meso-scale 2m air temperature around New York City and Pittsburgh

Published: 26 March 2021| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/pr4m594vmf.1


The dataset contains ambient air temperature at 2m above the ground (2m air temperature) for mesoscale domains around New York City (NYC) and Pittsburgh (PGH), which is used in Choi. et al. (2021). Weather Research and Forecasting Model (WRF), coupled with Princeton Urban Canopy Model (PUCM), reanalyzes historical 6-hourly 12km × 12km data of North American Meso-scale Forecast System 12km Analysis (NAM-ANL) to 1km × 1km gird data. The dataset covers domains around NYC (160km × 160km) and PGH (200km × 200km) for three months of summer (June/July/August) from 2016 and 2018. The dataset also contains testset from August 01 to August 03, 2019. In each {year}JJA{location}.mat file: lon (degree): Longitude of grid points, lat (degree): Latitude of grid points, t2data.datetime (yyyy-MM-dd_HH:mm:ss): datetime of temperature field, t2data.t2 (celcius): 2m air temperature



Carnegie Mellon University, Carnegie Mellon University College of Engineering, Princeton University


Temperature, Urban Climate, Weather, Air Temperature
