Data for: SMAD2 Overexpression Rescues the TGF-β3 Null Mutant Mice Cleft Palate by Increased Apoptosis.
Published: 2 November 2019| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/prv9w5dtcg.1
Abdullah Almegbel, Charles ShulerDescription
The methods and results of our study to investigate the TGF-β3 and SMAD2 regulated mechanism of MES disappearance in a rescue mouse model [K14-SMAD2/TGF-β3(-/-)] compared to wild type mice, null mutant [TGF-β3(-/-)] and SMAD2 overexpression [K14-SMAD2/TGF-β3(+/-)].
Dentistry, Developmental Biology, TGF-Beta, Cleft Palate