Data about Financial Literacy, Financial Constraints and Technological Innovation on SMEs

Published: 13 July 2020| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/prvx2pmxy6.1
, Daniel Ruiz-Palomo,


These data were obtained from a questionnaire regarding the relationship between CEO's financial literacy, firm's allevion of financial constraints, and firm's technological innovation outcomes, as well as the firm's financial statements. We controlled for CEO's risk orientation; firm's age, size (employees), industry (2-digit NACE code), ROA (EBIT/Total Assets), and leverage (Total Debt / Total Assets); as well as CEO's age, gender and education level. Questions: Please rate from 1 (absolutely disagree) to 5 (absolute agree) the following sentences: V Description fl1 I and the rest of the TMT have updated information regarding economic and financial industry data fl2 I am well informed about the economy evolution and of the national and international monetary and financial policies fl3 I am well informed about alternative financial sources (equity loans, venture capital, MAB, business angels, etc.) rather than bank financing fl4 I am well informed about the financial assets in which I can invest financial slack fl5 I and the rest of the TMT use economic and financial information in the decision-making fl6 The training of the administration and finance department staff is very relevant for establishing effective financial policies Please rate from 1 (very bad) to 5 (very good) the evolution during the last 2 years regarding: afc1 the indebtedness offered to the firm afc2 the costs and commissions required afc3 the guarantees needed afc4 the interest rate afc5 the time-lapse response of the financial institution afc6 the debt maturity Please rate from 1(very bad) to 5 (very good) the evolution of your company related to the competitors during the last 2 years regarding: ips1 the number of new products or services introduced by your company per year ips2 the pioneering character of your company when introducing new products or services ips3 the speed in response to the introduction of new products or services by other companies in the industry ipp1 the number of changes in the processes introduced by your company per year ipp2 the pioneering character of your company when introducing new processes ipp3 the speed in response to the introduction of new processes by other companies in the industry Control variables Please rate from 1 (absolutely disagree) to 5 (absolute agree) the following sentences: ro1 I have a strong propensity to projects with high risk ro2 I believe that understanding brave far-reaching environment actions is necessary to reach the companies objectives ro3 When I make decisions under uncertainty conditions I usually adopt a strong and aggressive position to maximize the probability of exploiting the potential opportunities Other type of data: cv2 Firm age* cv3 Firm size* cv4 Industry: 2-digits NACE code* cv5 ROA (EBIT / Total Assets)* cv6 Leverage (Total Debt / Total Assets)* cv7 CEO Age cv8 CEO gender cv9 CEO education *: Data obtained from Financial Statements and other information publicly available.



Universidad Politecnica de Cartagena, Universidad de Malaga


Business Administration, Literacy, Technological Innovation
