Hydrothermal experiments at 500 to 700 °C and 1.7 kbar: Insights into NdPO4 solubility and aqueous Nd speciation in supercritical fluids
Published: 29 October 2024| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/ps6xk7mgpr.2
, Laura Waters, , , , , Description
The attached files contain all of the underlying data for figures and tables within the work "Hydrothermal experiments at 500 to 700 °C and 1.7 kbar: Insights into NdPO4 solubility and aqueous Nd speciation in supercritical fluids by Banerjee et al.
Steps to reproduce
The data included in this repository were obtained from high temperature experiments NdPO4 solubility experiments in aqueous fluids of varying salinity that utilized isotope dilution. The Nd-145/Nd-144 ratios in the experimental fluids were measured via MC-ICPMS. The pH values and activities of aqueous species were determined using a thermodynamic software, GEMS (Gibbs Energy Minimization Software), and a database.
New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology
Aqueous Geochemistry
United States Department of Energy