Appendix_Learning from the COVID-19 pandemic: Media representations of responsible coffee tourism practices in Indonesia

Published: 12 April 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/psjhy77gbc.1
Heri Setiyorini, Tingzhen Chen, Josephine Pryce


In this dataset, we present a list of 128 the title of articles and urls used in critical media discourse analysis. The data were used in the article entitled: Learning from the COVID-19 pandemic: Media representations of responsible coffee tourism practices in Indonesia.


Steps to reproduce

The data were archival information from internet media in Indonesia. There were four steps of data collection. 1) Searching for the data from the Google search engine. Keywords were utilised to collect archives published on various platforms, including cyber-news media, government and organisational websites, and blogs. The combinations of terms in Bahasa Indonesia that represented the keywords of coffee tourism, pandemic, and responsible practices were used. 1. Coffee tourism, e.g. tourism (pariwisata), coffee tourism (wisata kopi), and destination (destination). 2. Pandemi: Pandemic (pandemic), Corona virus (Corona), COVID, COVID 19 3. Responsible practices: Health protocol (protocol kesehatan), social/local community (masyarakat), nature (alam), environment (lingkungan). The search was conducted for articles published from January to December 2020, and the search process took place from February to March 2021. A total of 231 archives were compiled during the initial search. 2) In the second step, the data were further refined by applying inclusion and exclusion criteria. The inclusion criteria encompassed news and features from various news media sources, such as national and local e-newspapers, e-magazines, government and organisational websites, and blogs focused on coffee tourism. On the other hand, archives from social media, non-coffee tourism activities, letters, regulations, and coffee tourism outside Indonesia were excluded from the dataset. After applying these criteria, 180 archives remained for analysis. 3) During the third stage, duplicate articles were identified and removed, resulting in the exclusion of 14 archives from the dataset. 4) The final step involved manually reviewing the topics of the remaining articles to ensure that they focused on and were relevant to coffee tourism. Articles that did not meet this criterion were removed, leaving 128 news articles for further analysis and examination in the research on coffee tourism.


James Cook University, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


