TeNeS: Tensor network solver for quantum lattice systems
Published: 16 June 2022| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/psm26xxbvd.1
, , , , , Description
TeNeS (Tensor Network Solver) [1], [2] is a free/libre open-source software program package for calculating two-dimensional many-body quantum states based on the tensor network method and the corner transfer matrix renormalization group (CTMRG) method. This package calculates ground-state wavefunctions for user-defined Hamiltonians and evaluates user-defined physical quantities such as magnetization and correlation functions. For certain predefined models and lattices, there is a tool that makes it easy to generate input files. TeNeS uses an OpenMP/MPI hybrid parallelized tensor operation library and thus can perform large-scale calculations using massively parallel machines.
Condensed Matter Physics, Computational Physics, Tensor