Academician Effectiveness Data 233

Published: 10 September 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/psnydbp5tk.1
Abdulrasheed Aminullah


Data was examined in testing the relationship between motivation and organizational climate on academic effectiveness. also, emotional labour was tested as a mediating hypothesis on the relationship between motivation, organisational climate and academician effectiveness. Findings revealed that the study underscores the role of motivation and organizational climate in influencing academic effectiveness in the higher education sector. It reveals that motivation plays a pivotal role among academicians while organizational climate fosters collaborations, job satisfaction, and a conducive environment for academic success. The findings also showed that emotional labour significantly mediates between the tested variables. During the research, 233 valid surveys were distributed (physically and electronically) to the lecturer and students, who were paired in teams and used for statistical analysis.



Universiti Utara Malaysia


Human Resources Management Models
