The raw data of High-throughput sequencing

Published: 27 August 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/psz2dyy64g.1
cui zhang, Xiaoran Chen, Keqiang Zhou, Jianbo Li, J. Viridiana García Meza, Shaoxian Song, María Luciana Montes, Nasriddinov Zamoniddin, Ling Xia


1. Hypothesis Our research hypothesis is that clay minerals would enhance the accumulation of soil organic carbon (SOC) in biocrust systems. 2.These files are the raw data of extracted microbial DNA. They reflected the influence of two type clays on microbial community structure 3.Findings Those results suggested that the addition of both types of clay increased the diversity and richness of bacterial communities, and the promoting effect of kaolin was more prominent.



Biological Database
