Mechanisms of bimodal magmatism generation beneath Southwest Indian ridge: Implications for the variable composition of MORBs
Table S1. Chemical and isotopic compositions for lavas and scorias from the Southwest Indian ridge Table S2. Major, trace, volatile element of glasses and melt inclusions from SWIR reported here. Table S3. Sr isotopes of glass, plagioclase, melt inclusion from SWIR, and glass and plagioclase standards Table S4. Major element compositions for olivine and plagioclase from the Southwest Indian ridge Table S5. Volatile element of olivine and plagioclase from SWIR reported here Table S6. Average value for volatile element of glasses and melt inclusions in SWIR compared to seawater. Table S7. Helium concentrations and blank corrected isotopic ratios of glasses from Southwest Indian ridge reported here. Table S8. Modelling endmembers compositions of DMM, LCC and SCLM.