BananaImageBD: An Extensive Image Dataset of Common Bangladeshi Banana Varieties with Different Ripeness Levels
Type of data: 256x256 px Banana images. Data format: JPEG Contents of the dataset: Banana cultivars and ripeness stages. Number of classes: (1) Four Most Popular Banana cultivars in Bangladesh - Bangla Kola, Chompa Kola, Sabri Kola, and Sagor Kola, and (2) Four Ripeness Stages - Green, Semi-ripe, Ripe, and Overripe Number of images: (1) Total original (raw) images of banana cultivars = 2512, Augmented to 7536 images, and (2) Total original (raw) images of ripeness stages = 825, Augmented to 2460 images. Distribution of instances: (1) Original (raw) images in each class of banana cultivars: Bangla Kola = 444, Champa Kola = 1035, Sabri Kola = 509, and Sagor Kola = 524. (2) Augmented images in each class of banana cultivars: Bangla Kola = 1332, Chompa Kola = 3105, Sabri Kola = 1527, Sagor Kola = 1572. (3) Original (raw) images in each class of Ripeness stages: Green = 213, Semi-ripe = 205, Ripe = 204, and Overripe = 203. (4) Augmented images in each class of Ripeness stages: Green = 639, Semi-ripe = 612, Ripe = 600, and Overripe = 609. Dataset Size: (1) Total size of the original (raw) banana cultivars dataset = 17.5 MB. (2) Total size of the augmented banana cultivars dataset = 80.1 MB. (3) Total size of the original (raw) ripeness stages dataset = 5.58 MB, and (4) Total size of the augmented ripeness stages dataset = 25.4 MB. Data Acuisition Process: Images of bananas are captured using mobile phone cameras. Data Source Location: Local banana wholesale markets and retail fruit shops from different places of Bangladesh. Where applicable: Training machine learning and deep learning models to distinguish popular banana cultivars of Bangladesh and the ripeness stages of bananas.