Data for: Foraging ecology and flocking behavior of insectivorous forest birds in Andean silvopastures
Published: 19 July 2018| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/ptgcxrzvk9.1
Bryan Tarbox, S. Luke Flory, Scott Robinson, Bette LoiselleDescription
Foraging behavior of insectivorous forest birds in silvopastures and forest fragments of the Rio la Vieja watershed in the Colombian Andes. Foraging_GLM_FINAL includes attack rates, movement rates and prey size as responses to the predictors of habitat type and flock participation, using five species: Vireo olivaceus, Polioptila plumbea, Todirostrum cinereum, Hemithraupis guira and Pachysylvia semibrunnea. The other three csv files contain expected frequencies of use for different tree taxa based on importance values, versus observed frequencies of use for 11 'adaptable' species (including the previously mentioned five species; FR_gen and SP_gen), and 9 'sensitive' species (FR_sen).
University of Florida
Animal Behavior, Ornithology, Applied Ecology, Conservation Biology, Agricultural Habitat