A network meta-analysis on the efficacy of different mycotoxin binders to reduce aflatoxin M1 in milk after aflatoxin B1 challenge in dairy cows..

Published: 16 May 2023| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/pth6kt7x9t.1
Sergio Calsamiglia,


A network meta-analysis on the efficacy of different mycotoxin binders to reduce aflatoxin M1 in milk after aflatoxin B1 challenge in dairy cows. It contains the Prisma chart and the list of the selected papers included in the metaanalysis


Steps to reproduce

A comprehensive search of the literature was conducted using PubMed, Google Scholar and web of science engines to identify experiments conducted on dairy cows that report the capacity of MTB to reduce AFM1 from milk after an AF challenge. The research used a set of keywords: MTB, AFB1, AFM1, and dairy cows. The inclusion criteria for the study were: a) a description of the MTB type and the supplemental concentration dose used; b) a description of the AF challenge protocol, and c) the use of dairy cows.


Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona


Aflatoxin, Dairy Cattle
