EEG absolute and relative powers during mindfulness meditation: Data from Thai Buddhist monks
This dataset comprises EEG and behavioral data recorded from 60 Thai Buddhist monks who voluntarily participated in the research project. The behavioral data contain participant characteristics, while the EEG data provide absolute and relative powers of five frequency bands (delta, theta, alpha, beta, and gamma) during the 30-minute meditative states of the 60 Thai monks. The 64-channel EEG neuroscan was utilized to record the prolonged duration of the 30-minute meditation session. Additionally, the 30-minute EEG features are segmented into six 5-minute intervals ('0-5 minutes', '5-10 minutes', '10-15 minutes', '15-20 minutes', '20-25 minutes', and '25-30 minutes') to enable researchers to further investigate the temporal changes in brain activity during mindfulness meditation.
Steps to reproduce
Thai monks who met the eligibility of the project and have been practicing mindfulness meditation were invited to the Centre of Excellence in Cognitive Science, Burapha University, Thailand. A total of 60 Thai monks were asked to sign a consent form. After they signed the consent form, all participants completed a questionnaire comprising twelve variables as shown in the ‘Participant characteristics – Thai monks’ dataset. The 64-channel EEG system was used to record the brainwaves of 60 Thai monks during the 30-minute meditation period. The EEG recording protocol includes the online band-pass of 0.01 to 100 Hz and offline band-pass of 0.5 to 45 Hz with a sampling rate of 500 Hz and a linked mastoid for reference. The impedance from all Ag-AgCI electrodes was kept below 5 kiloohms. The Independent Component Analysis (ICA) algorithm from EEGLAB was employed to reduce noises from raw EEGs during the pre-processing phase. The Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) was used to determine five EEG frequency bands (i.e., delta: 0.5–4 Hz, theta: 4–8 Hz, alpha: 8–12 Hz, beta: 12–30 Hz, gamma: 30–45 Hz. Finally, absolute and relative EEG powers across more than 60 electrode sites, six 5-minute intervals of meditative durations, and 60 Thai Buddhist monks are offered.
National Research Council of Thailand