Multibeam bathymetry of the Israel EEZ v2020.1
This data accompanies the paper 'Sediment transport mechanisms revealed by quantitative analyses of seafloor morphology: new evidence from multibeam bathymetry of the Israel Exclusive Economic Zone' in by Kanari et al., 2020, Journal of Marine and Petroleum Geology. Please cite any use of this data by referring to the following paper: -------------------------------------------- Kanari M, Tibor G, Hall JK, Ketter T, Lang G, Schattner U, 2020, Sediment transport mechanisms revealed by quantitative analyses of seafloor morphology: New evidence from multibeam bathymetry of the Israel exclusive economic zone, Marine and Petroleum Geology, Vol. 114, 104224, ISSN 0264-8172, The data contains the following: ---------------------------------- (1) The multibeam bathymetry grid of the Israel EEZ in 200 m resolution. (2) Hill-shaded relief bathymetric map of the Israel EEZ in 25 m resolution (a-clean; b-with depth contours). (3) Derivatives of the bathymetric grid in 25 m resolution: slope, aspect, multibeam backscatter (where available). (4) Vector SHP files (GIS-ready) of the five analyzed morphological units mapped in the study: structural folds, sediment waves, faults , deepwater channels (and their associated overbank deposits), and deepwater fan lobes. Disclaimer: The maps and surfaces published in this dataset are provided "as-is" and are not legal surveys or legal descriptions. We disclaim any representations and warranties as to the accuracy of the maps and surface. These maps and surface are not intended for navigational, commercial, legal or political purposes.