Gut bacterial microbiome of Carabus convexus in rural vs. urban habitats

Published: 6 November 2023| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/ptmzyr74zx.1
, István Likó,


Data, KML file, R codes and analysis pipeline to the manuscript entitled "Urbanization reduces gut bacterial microbiome diversity in a specialist ground beetle, Carabus convexus" submitted to Molecular Ecology. Data is showing the median normalized number of reads of the 3839 different bacterial amplicon sequence variants (ASVs) in gut samples of 15 rural female and 16 rural male, 8 urban female, and 9 urban male Carabus convexus beetles. KML file can add to the Google Earth web application ( and is showing the exact location of the sampling sites. R codes and analysis pipeline are showing the scripts used for analyses in the R environment.



Debreceni Egyetem Termeszettudomanyi es Technologiai Kar


Bacteria, Animal Ecology, Gut Microbiome, Molecular Ecology, Beetle


Nemzeti Kutatási, Fejlesztési és Innovaciós Alap

OTKA K-131459

Nemzeti Kutatási, Fejlesztési és Innovaciós Alap

OTKA K-146628
