Brazil Equids Importations and EIA sanintary Information on Origin Countries
Published: 18 September 2017| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/pv93df5gxz.1
Thiago ArcebispoDescription
EIA_RISK_Brazil The first sheet contains data gathered from AliceWeb (Brazilian Ministry of Foreign trade) and WAHIS (OIE), showing the number of equids exported to Brazil from each country per semester, the information is complemented with EIA sanitary status of the exporting countries on that respective semester. The second sheet contains data from the disease events reported to OIE by the exporting countries that were under "presence" or "outbreak" EIA status when exporting to Equids to Brazil, yearly means of the prevalence found on these events was utilized to construct inputs distributions.
Ministerio do Desenvolvimento Industria e Comercio Exterior, Organisation Mondiale de la Sante Animale
Epidemiology, Stochastic Analysis, Equid