Modelling cell-cell interactions from spatial molecular data with spatial variance component analysis - Processed datasets

Published: 14 August 2018| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/pvxmyg6bmb.1
Damien Arnol,


This data is the processed and normalised data used for two applications of the SVCA paper () IMC_normalised: processed data for the IMC application of SVCA. It aggregates the raw data from Schapiro et al 2017 - HistoCAT at the single cell, followed by variance stabilisation using the Anscombe transformation and normalisation by the total protein counts by cells. seq_fish_normalised: processed data for the seqFISH application of SVCA. It aggregates the raw data from Shah et al 2017 at the single cell, followed by variance stabilisation using the Anscombe transformation and normalisation by the total protein counts by cells.



Gene Expression, Spatial Analysis
