Mammal Trophic Diversity Data and Analysis Code

Published: 23 August 2023| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/pw8r7jh8kw.2
Jaron Adkins


A global scale dataset of terrestrial mammal species richness within three trophic groupings. Trophic groups are predators, herbivores, and omnivores. Spatial resolution is 30 x 30 km. Variable descriptions are as follows: FID_1: An identifier variable. y_coord: Latitudinal value. mamm_h_20: The number of herbivore species present in the pixel. mamm_o_20: The number of omnivore species present in the pixel. mamm_p_20: The number of predator species present in the pixel. total_20: The total number of mammals present in the pixel. p_herb_20: The proportion of total species in the pixel that are herbivores. p_omni_20: The proportion of total species in the pixel that are omnivores. p_pred_20: The proportion of total species in the pixel that are predators. GPP: Gross Primary Production of the pixel; extracted from doi 10.1038/sdata.2017.165. mean_temp: The mean annual temperature of the pixel in celsius; extracted from WorldClim v.2. mean_precip: The mean annual precipitation of the pixel in centimeters; extracted from WorldClim v.2. temp_season: The temperature seasonality of the pixel as standard deviation multiplied by 100. precip_season: The precipitation seasonality of the pixel as the coefficient of variation. iso: The isothermality of the pixel as diurnal temperature range divided by annual temperature range. A text file of the code used to analyze data in the R Statistical computing environment is also included.



Ecology, Biodiversity, Animal Ecology, Wildlife Biodiversity
