Data set for: Identification of Sindhi cows that are susceptible or resistant to Haematobia irritans

Published: 17 July 2019| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/pwsgz5hp6p.2
Cecilia Miraballes, Ana Rita Marques, Márcia Alves de Medeiros, Antonio Thadeu Medeiros de Barros, Franklin Riet-Correa, José Radmácyo Gomes Lopes , Vanessa Diniz Vieira


The objective was to identify horn fly-susceptible and horn fly-resistant animals in a Sindhi herd by two different methods. The number of horn flies on 25 adult cows from a Sindhi herd was counted every 14 days. As it was an open herd, the trial period was divided into three stages based on cow composition, with the same cows maintained within each period: 2011-2012 (36 biweekly observations); 2012-2013 (26 biweekly observations); and 2013-2014 (22 biweekly observations). Only ten cows were present in the herd throughout the entire period from 2011-2014 (84 biweekly observations). The variables evaluated were the number of horn flies on the cows, the sampling date and a binary variable for rainy or dry season. Descriptive statistics were calculated, including the median, the interquartile range, and the minimum and maximum number of horn flies, for each observation day. For the present analysis, fly-susceptible cows were identified as those for which the infestation of flies appeared in the upper quartile for more than 50% of the weeks and in the lower quartile for less than 20% of the weeks. In contrast, fly-resistant cows were defined as those for which the fly counts appeared in the lower quartile for more than 50% of the weeks and in the upper quartile for less than 20% of the weeks. To identify resistant and susceptible cows for the best linear unbiased predictions analysis, three repeated measures linear mixed models (one for each period) were constructed with cow as a random effect intercept. The response variable was the log ten transformed counts of horn flies per cow, and the explanatory variable were the observation date and season. As the trail took place in a semiarid region with two seasons well stablished the season was evaluated monthly as a binary outcome, considering a rainy season if it rained more or equal than 50mm or dry season if the rain was less than 50mm. The Standardized residuals and the BLUPs of the random effects were obtained and assessed for normality, heteroscedasticity and outlying observations. Each cow’s BLUPs were plotted against the average quantile rank values that were determined as the difference between the number of weeks in the high-risk quartile group and the number of weeks in the low risk quartile group, averaged by the total number of weeks in each of the observation periods. A linear model fit for the values of BLUPS against the average rank values and the correlation between the two methods was tested using Spearman’s correlation coefficient. The animal effect values (BLUPs) were evaluated by percentiles, with 0 representing the lowest counts (or more resistant cows) and 10 representing the highest counts (or more susceptible cows). These BLUPs represented only the effect of cow and not the effect of day, season or other unmeasured counfounders.



Repeated Measures Design
