Orientation Data of Faults and Fractures crossing the Ballık travertine (Denizli Basin, SW Turkey)
The data provided in this repository are: 1. Non-georeferenced fault and fracture orientation data measured in each quarry and provided in *.csv files for reproducibility. Type of measurement: Plane (P) orientation noted in dip direction (dd)/dip (d); Lineation (L) noted in in trend (tr) / plunge (pl). In the lists, a lineation following a plane is the lineation measured on that plane. See the accompanying kml, quarry list and Fig. 2 in the paper for location of the quarries. 2. Google EarthTM Kml-file (cf. Fig. 2) presenting all fault and travertine characteristics discussed in this study. All geomorphological faults surrounding the Ballık area are indicated. Yellow dots indicate the location of the different quarries. Yellow dots are fault observation points. Faults are mapped by connecting individual fault observations. Bedding orientation is indicated by coloured areas and correspond to bedding in Fig. 2: Green areas: S-dipping travertine; Purple: N-dipping travertine; Yellow areas: W-dipping travertine; Brown areas: Marl, sandstone or conglomerate cover deposits; Blue areas: subhorizontal travertine; Blue axis: travertine domal axis.. 3. A list of quarry locations and fault type info. Quarries in the table are organised in same order as they are described in the text. NF = normal faulting, SS = newly-formed strike-slip faults, SS r. = reactivated normal faults with strike-slip kinematics.
Steps to reproduce
All fault and fracture data were measured using a hand compass. Fault and fracture data in the *.cvs files can be plotted in stereoplots and analysed in an paleostress analysis program to reconstruct paleostress orientations