Data for: Initial contact and toe off event identification for treadmill running at different speeds

Published: 26 April 2021| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/pxy6j5hyjz.1
Deborah King


Tab delimited text file of raw data containing time in s of each foot initial contact and toe-off for all 14 subjects for all 6 speeds. There are 10 columns of data: Subject ID, running speed (m/s), self identified foot strike pattern (FSP: rear foot striker (RFS), non rear foot striker nRFS)), contact times for Milner algorithm (s), contact times for Alvim algorithm (s), contact times for modified Alvim algorithm (s), contact times from force plate (ICFP) (s), toe-off times for Fellin algorithm (s), toe0off ties from force plate (TOFP) (s), observed foot strike pattern (from foot kinematics).



Human Movement Studies, Biomechanics of Gait
