The dataset of Nitrogen adsorption and methane adsorption experiments of soft and hard coal

Published: 12 October 2018| Version 3 | DOI: 10.17632/pyfdn7h868.3


In this study, anthracite coal samples were collected separately from the soft and hard stratified coal of the No. 21 coal seam of the Jiulishan Coal Mine located in China’s Henan Province. Each coal sample was equipartitioned using a mixing and reduction method, and then further sieved into four particle-size fractions as follows: 3 to 6 mesh (3.35 to 6.7 mm); 6 to 18 mesh (1 to 3.35 mm); 60 to 80 mesh (0.18 to 0.25 mm); and > 120 mesh (< 0.125 mm). Then, Automatic Surface Area and Pore Analyzer and Adsorption Constant Tester was used to measure adsorption parameters. The data of the nitrogen adsorption experiment is recorded by the software automatic analysis. Then, in accordance with to Brunauer- Emmett-Teller (BET) theory and the Barrett-Joyner-Halenda (BJH) method, the structural parameters of the pores were automatically calculated using computer software. Also, in accordance with a multi-point BET model, the SSA of each sample was obtained. Meanwhile, the PV and PSD were determined according to the aforementioned BJH method. The data from the methane adsorption experiment is obtained by the meter and the record is manually read.



Henan Polytechnic University


Coal, Adsorption, Pore Structure, Fractal Modeling
